Russmedia International: Michael Tillian and Eugen B. Russ form new executive management

Michael Tillian and Eugen B. Russ will form the new executive management of Russmedia International from October 2018 onwards. Michael Tillian remains spokesman for the company and will focus on acquisitions and finances. Eugen B. Russ will primarily focus on the development of the holding companies and the sector technology & innovation. Hence, Eugen A. Russ leaves the operational management of Russmedia International and returns back to the Russmedia Holding.

Eugen B. Russ will also join the Russmedia Holding management as strategic advisor. The executive management will be formed by Eugen A. Russ, Eugen B. Russ, Herbert Hager and Markus Raith.

Eugen B. Russ: “I am looking forward to the exciting cooperation with Michael Tillian and the innovative Russmedia team.”

Eugen A. Russ: “I am happy to have gained additional, dynamic support to the Russmedia International board with Eugen B. Russ and Michael Tillian. Also, what makes me especially fortunate, with Eugen B., the 4th generation completes the company’s board close to the 100th anniversary of Russmedia.”

Michael Tillian: “With the acquisition of Eugen B. Russ, our effectiveness has greatly increased. I am very pleased that after a long, well-structured process, we succeeded in strengthening the management of Russmedia International and I am looking forward to upcoming projects.”

Eugen B. Russ (32) studied at the London School of Economics (LSE) in London, spent 4 years as a business consultant for the Boston Consulting Group, and graduated with an MBA from Columbia University in New York. From 2013 to 2018 he, together with the Berlin team, led Europe’s largest rental marketplace, Erento.

Michael Tillian (44) is a lawyer, born in Vorarlberg. He worked in the top management for the Styria Mediengruppe while operating as a lawyer as well. Over the last few years, he alongside the founding team, have developed the running startup firm Maxfun.

Russmedia International operates as a growth-oriented company with focus on the digital evolving markets, based in Liechtenstein. The company has offices at the digital hotspots in Vienna and Berlin and is investing 100 million euros in digital growth. In particular, the portfolio includes the following investments: Europe’s largest independent ski rental company Alpinresorts (Bratislava and Vienna), Europe’s largest rental portal Erento (Berlin), the German ad portal, the Hungarian job portal and the ad portal, Austria’s largest running platform MaxFun, the incubator, Austria’s startup and innovation platform, as well as participations in incubators such as Speedinvest X, Cavalry and startup300.